2021-2022 Calendar
Instructor: Nate Roberts
Program Details: See Parent Detail & Policy Packet here
Full participation (ensemble + group instrument class): $810/year, half of payment ($405) due at the beginning of each session
Partial participation (ensemble OR group instrument class only): $450/year, half of payment ($225) due at the beginning of each session
Other Fees:
Once a year fee of $20/student ($60 limit per family); Includes t-shirt
Printed Instrument Method Book $25 (optional)
Financial Assistance:
Multi-child Discount: We are happy to offer a multi-child discount for multiple family members who enroll in our yearly program. This is available for those in normal enrollment (those not participating through a funding partner -see below). Cost for participation is as follows: first child (full cost), second child+ (10% discount).
We are a Hamilton Virtual School, Saugatuck Shared Time Services, AND Jenison International Homeschool Part-time Partner. Each program covers a portion of the tuition and participating families will be charged remaining balance.
For those who are facing financial hardship, please consider applying for a scholarship
The Elyce Fishman Scholarship Fund from the Wheatland Music Organization. "The purpose of the Elyce Fishman Scholarship Fund is to provide funding to enable residents, giving preference to children and adults from the mid-Michigan area, to enhance their growth and education in the areas of traditional music, dance, arts and crafts. Traditional arts are learned person to person, passed from generation to the next, and influenced by culture, family, ethnicity, and era; they often represent a place or a group of people and can express the thoughts and feeling of a point in history. Examples of traditional music are folk music, old-time, bluegrass, Cajun, French Canadian, blues, Great Lakes, and more." The application can be found on this page.
If finances continue to be the only barrier to your child's ability to participate in our program, please let us know, and we can see how we can further assist you.
Registration closes July 31. Space is limited, so register early!
“Being part of MAFM has given a tremendous boost to our family’s musical growth. The joy of making music with friends and family has motivated my kids to progress far more quickly than independent lessons would have. Nate’s gift for incorporating all skill levels to create beautiful music together makes everyone feel included and challenged. We are so grateful for MAFM!”
What are others saying?
“We are blown away by what the kids learn and accomplish here! We have 5 kids in the program, 3 of whom just started on their instruments. After only the first semester they are playing so much better than we ever expected for such a short time. They have a large repertoire of songs and are able to play (jam) with each other - which builds amazing community. Nate not only teaches the kids to play their instruments but teaches them how to be musicians. They learn how to improvise within a key, how to take impromptu solos, and how to take a song and dress it up musically to make it your own. They learn this right from the beginning and it makes a huge difference in their confidence in their musical ability as well as their skill. Nate and Jess are very professional and make it a joy to be part of this program. Our kids love being part of this program so much that we never even have to tell them to practice. They practice on their own and then get together to jam for more practice beyond that! All on their own. That really says something. I highly, highly recommend this program!” -Monica C., mother of 5 MAFM students
“I love hearing my son and daughter laughing while practicing their music together and talking about their instruments. Practicing for ensemble is one part of their homeschooling that I don’t have to ask twice.” -Rachel H., mother of 3 MAFM students
"Ensemble is my favorite thing I do all week.” -Harriet H., 11-year-old homeschooler
“As a home school family we have so appreciated the opportunity to make and enjoy music through MAFM. It has been a good connection for our kids to meet other students who also enjoy and value music. The environment is so relaxed and including of all different levels of talent. Nate’s style has allowed our kids to enjoy playing their instruments without some of the normal pressure of getting music perfect. His encouragement and active involvement in making music has been so inspiring to each student. Our daughter who has had 7 years of lessons on her instrument has learned a large number of new skills and is appropriately challenged, and our son, who only learned to read music a few months ago, has excelled so much and practices the challenging things he is learning with excitement. It is obvious that Nate has talent few musicians are blessed with and we feel honored that he is willing to use that to invest in our students and excite them about folk music education by sharing his passion.” - Steph TV, mother of 3 MAFM students
“I see humility, kindness, and patience cultivated in my kids as they work together with other kids of different ages and skill levels to make music together.” -Rachel H.
"No matter what your skill level is, playing with Nate and all the other students always makes you sound good!" -Nick L., 12-year-old homeschooler
“Ensemble is the highlight of my week. I love learning guitar and playing it with my friends.” -Winfield H., 12-year-old homeschooler